

Future of AI

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence or AI simulates human intellect to machines. AI-enabled machines are capable of performing specific tasks better than humans.

What is robot?

A robot is a machine that is capable of carrying out specific tasks automatically. It can replicate human actions and provide better results.

What is automation?

Automation is the process of transferring operations performed manually by humans to various devices or computer programs.

Why can AI replace humans?

These technologies have brought numerous benefits such as:

  • Higher productivity.
  • Better GDP growth.
  • Improved performance.

How many jobs can now be replaced by automation, robots and artificial intelligence?


Why has not artificial intelligence replaced humans yet?

Because implementing artificial intelligence is very expensive.

Why is everyone screaming that they will be replaced by AI?

Because this process has already begun. Companies have seen the benefits of implementing artificial intelligence and are afraid of falling behind. Also the adoption of these technologies is getting cheaper year after year.

Who will be the first to face it?

The first to face this will be rich capitalist countries where labor is expensive. They are already facing problems because of globalization.

What is globalization?

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.

Is this a problem that will affect us all for the foreseeable future?

The problem is upside down. The population is growing faster than new jobs are being created.

Are robots going to take over all the jobs?

No, these technologies will create new types of work that never even existed before.

To earn more, will we compete with robots and work harder?

Right now, the older generation is competing with the younger ones. There are fewer resources and they are more expensive. Well, the problem is being glossed over and blamed on artificial intelligence.

Is AI capable of destroying humans?

Destruction missions are usually set by humans. Of course, after the war, they can blame artificial intelligence for all the sins. If the AI has a goal and humanity is just in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it.

So there are no dangers associated with artificial intelligence?

The main danger is that man can rely on artificial intelligence for everything, and when it breaks down man will simply be unable to do anything on his own.


You should not be afraid of artificial intelligence, at the moment its capabilities are overrated.

Artificial intelligence will not be able to take over our jobs because it costs too much to implement. It has been talked about for about 10 years now, and artificial intelligence still has not taken our workplaces.

What could we improve?
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